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  • Writer's pictureGrace Doering

My 3 Favorite Photos Taken This School Year

Updated: May 28, 2021

This year I have taken many photos. My favorite have ben the photo of the tulip. I took this for exposure assignment. I used the most plain background that I could find in my house to get a good photo of only the flower. I liked this photo because I have not been great at taking photos of flowers and next time I would use a better background.

My other favorite photo is of my dog. I used it for my first photos assignment. I used a treat to keep is attention and snapped the photo right as he looked at the camera. I like this photo because my dog looks so good in the photo. Next time I think that I might put another dog in the photo or another person to make the photo look a bit more interesting.

My last favorite photo is of my best friend. This was for the forced prospective assignment. I had she stand against a wall and put the bottle close to the camera to get the photo. I like this photo because it is of my best friend but next time I would have her look at the camera and go to a place with better lighting.


My favorite photo by another photo student is by Cindy Morales. I like it because it looks like something by best friends and I do whenever we hang out.

The other photo that I like is by Daniel De Rosas. I like this photo because I have never seen anything like it. I do not know how he took a photo so amazing.

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